Lakota Yuwipi Ceremony
The Yuwipi Ceremony is a curing ritual. The Yuwipi Ceremony is only performed by Lakotas. The groups of Lakotas that perform this ceremony are called Siox groups. They believe that the man who does this ritual is trained by spirits. The man that does this ritual is called the Yuwipi man. The room that they perform this ceremony is completely emptied and cannot have anything in it. After they emptie the room they have to blacken the room because the spirits can only come in black. They believe that this ceremony can heal any illness. The Yuwipi man can come to other people’s houses if they ask him too.
Food of First Thanksgiving
When you hear about the indians on the first thanksgiving they are talking about the Lakota tribe. The first thanksgiving was a big feast that the indians made to thank the pilgrims for all that they did for them. Thats why it’s called thanksgiving. As you know the main food of thanksgiving was and still is turkey. They also had fish on the first thanksgiving, even though most people now dont have fish on thanksgiving, well, they did heve it, so I think that we should have fish on thanksgiving. They had lots of corn on the first thanksgiving because thats what they mainly knew how to grow. Of course everybody knows that they had fruits and vegetebles. What they had for dessert was pumpkin Pie which I think most people have still today.
Hunting was a big part of their life because if they didn’t hunt they whouldn’t have anything to eat. What they hunted was bison and tatanka but they mainly hunted bison or you could call it buffalo. They hinted in montana. They also hunted alot in Wyoming. They also hunted in Colarado. They also hinted in Nebraska. They also hunted in North Dakota. They also hunted in South Dakota alot. The Lakota liked the buffalo so much that they made a ceremony about the buffalo. Most of the time they used a horse to hunt the buffalo on. The white people were the ones who brought the horses to them. Hunting was really hard before the white people brought the horses to them.
The lakota’s main food was buffalo because that was what was most available. The Lakota also ate tatanka but they didn’t eat it as much. They whould eat meat that had been preserved but they really preffered fresh meat. They whould dry buffalo in the sun to make jerky. When they did preserve meat they whould only preserve it for for or five days before they whould eat it.
Most of the Lakota lived in tipis. The tipis were easily transported. They whould usually transport them for following the buffalo for hunting. The tipis were made out of sticks. They were also made out of buffalo hide. At the top of the tipis were a flap. This flap was made for smoke to be able to escape from the tipis if they wanted to have a fire. They could close the whole for when it rained or snowed. I think that Indians still use tipis today but not as much because they don’t do as much hunting these days.
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