Friday, October 12, 2007


On sunday night I went fishing with my dad. We were fishing in Tulalup for silvers. When we got there my dad threw the buoy and the end of the lead line as far as he could up onto the beach and then he set the net and anchored the boat, which you are not suppose to do with a drift gillnet because fish and game doesn't allow it, but he does it anyway. The boat we have is 32 feet long and my dad brings a rowboat with him because with the rowboat he can row down the net and get the fish out before the seals get to them without having to put the whole net back on the drum. While my dad rowed down the net the first time i scooped ice from a cooler or (toat) into another toat that had water in it to make slush ice. At the end of the night in the morning we ended up with 23 salmon. It was pretty fun.

1 comment:

Will said...

Thats alot of salmon 23 thats amazing. Thats cool.